Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil Essay

Point: To explore the substances radiated at various temperatures from raw petroleum (oil) blend. Device: * Fractional Distillation dish sets and thermometer * Clamp stand x 2 * Conical jar * Supply of cold water * Rubber cylinders x 2 * Test tube rack * Small glass test tubes x 5 * Rubber plug x 5 * Evaporating bowl * Micro Bunsen Burner and seat tangle * Wooden Splint * Stopwatch * Boiling stones * Crude Oil flexibly Technique: 1. Set up the clips stands and the fractionating crystal as appeared in the outline. 2. Associate the elastic cylinders to the two open containers of the condenser. 3. Associate the opposite finish of the elastic tubing to a water tap and let the other one stream into a bowl. Turn on the tap. 4. Spot two bubbling stones into the conelike flagon and afterward empty in the raw petroleum into the carafe. Spot the jar directly over the miniaturized scale burner as appeared in the graph. 5. Warmth the unrefined petroleum blend gradually. Record at which temperature one of the mixes in the blend dissipate, and afterward gather it in the little test tube after it goes through the condenser. 6. Rehash stage 5 until most extreme temperature has been reached or potentially no more mixes vanish. 7. Test the mixes which were gathered. Light them in a vanishing bowl and record the time it takes to run out. Results: Information Table of Results of Hydrocarbons tried Hydrocarbon Compound Breaking point Range (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) Shading Consistency Pentane 36 †40 Dry Extremely Low Viscosity Hexane 66 †69 Dry Low Viscosity Heptane 90 †94 Slightly shady Gooey fluid Lamp oil (Paraffin) ~ 250 Earthy †dark High Viscosity End: These outcomes demonstrate to us that right off the bat, raw petroleum being a blend of a few hydrocarbons, that the blend gave was a recreation. Also, there are observable patterns in the hydrocarbons. As the particles gets heavier and heavier, by which I imply that we go from pentane to Hexane, etc, the consistency of the compound increments, just as the time taken for it to catch fire totally. The breaking point likewise increments. These hydrocarbons have a place with the main natural homologous arrangement: Alkanes. Alkane particles are totally immersed and every carbon molecule has at any rate 2 hydrogen iotas joined to it. Aside from the two end carbon molecules, different ones are joined to two other carbon iotas each. A covalent bond between a carbon particle and a hydrogen iota is solid, and a bond between two carbon molecules is likewise solid. It accordingly takes a great deal of vitality to beat this bond, and henceforth a higher temperature and additional time is expected to break these mixes separated. The more carbon molecules an alkane has, the more vitality is expected to break it separated. This clarifies the expanding breaking points, and is likewise one of the principle reasons why hydrocarbons are utilized as energizes. Lamp oil was the just one of the four hydrocarbons which couldn't be warmed to its breaking point and thus the temperature recorded is the one that was given to us. It did, be that as it may, last the longest when it was scorched. In this manner that outcome corresponds with the one that was given to us. Its different properties which could be confirmed have given us additional verification of the way that its temperature is higher than the other hydrocarbons’. Likewise identified with the thickness, the heaviness of every hydrocarbon additionally expanded as the consistency expanded. When lamp oil was being dealt with, an extremely wide edge of contrast could be felt from pentane. Assessment: Shortcoming Improvement 1 The hardware accessible was insufficient to decide the breaking point of Kerosene Get a full scale burner and warmth the lamp oil to its breaking point 2 The distinction in consistency between the initial two hydrocarbons was difficult to tell Measure the balance of the two mixes and record the distinction 3 The vanishing bowl in which the hydrocarbons were warmed was a similar all through Utilize an alternate dissipating bowl for each mixes so the warmth from the past test doesn't influence the following test 4 The principle blend gave to us was not real unrefined petroleum, essentially a recreated substitute To assemble the entirety of the mixes found in unrefined petroleum utilize a blend which contains every one of them sort of self-evident

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Painting Critique Research Paper of Salvador Dali Essay Example

Painting Critique Research Paper of Salvador Dali Essay 1. Choose 3 books from the McCormick Library assortment of craftsmanship books.List them beneath with their call numbers. a. Dali: The Salvador Dali Museum Collection, curiously large, 759.6, D143 b. Dalis Optical Illusions, 709.24, D143 c. Dali Dawn Ades, 709.24, D143, C.1 d. The Shameful Life of Salvador Dali, 709.24, D143 2. Page through these books until you discover a craftsman or painting or style that especially claims to you.List the canvas/craftsman/style beneath. b. Painting is the Persistence of Memory 3. Using a reference book of craftsmanship or other print assets, discover some data on the craftsman, painting, or style.List your resources(s) underneath. a. I picked the reference book and I discovered that Dali was conceived May eleventh 1904 and passed on January 23rd 1989. c. He is generally known for his oddity work 4. Using the web (at the library or home), visit a virtual historical center to discover progressively about this craftsman, painting, or style.List the w eb webpage here. a. a. That this work of art hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.This painting was made to seem as though a fantasy like state. I accept that Salvador Dali was considered as the best craftsman of the surrealist workmanship development and probably the best ace of specialty of the twentieth century.Dali was conceived in Figueres, Spain on May eleventh 1904 at 8:45 in the first part of the day. His original name that was given to him was Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dali Domenech.Needless to express attempting to moan that name to a bit of craftsmanship just wouldnt look right to he abbreviated it to Salvador Dali.He was conceived as the second kid to Salvador Dali Cusi and his better half Felipa Domenech Ferres.

Monday, August 17, 2020

16 Tips to Cope With Awkward Conversations

16 Tips to Cope With Awkward Conversations More in Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Work and School Related Conditions Although awkward conversations may seem difficult, they can be good opportunities to practice making small talk and handling conflictâ€"especially if you live with social  anxiety disorder (SAD). You can learn to cope with awkward conversations by planning ahead, brushing up on your social skills, and knowing when to use a bit of humor. How to Get Through an Awkward Conversation Try these tips for getting through your next awkward conversation. Understand the Awkwardness Manage the situation by understanding the cause of your unease. Perhaps there are lots of long silences or maybe the other person has a strong opinion different than yours. Identify the reason for the awkwardness, and you will be one step closer to finding a solution. If the other person has just said something surprising, its okay to reply with, I am thinking about what you said, to give yourself time to process the information. Keep the Conversation Flowing There is a reason why long silences can make you feel uncomfortable. A 2010 study from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Research showed that fluent conversations lead to feelings of self-esteem, social validation, and belonging to a group.?? Do as much as you can to keep the conversation going, and both you and your conversation partner will feel more at ease. A good conversation is more about making music together than finding the perfect thing to say. Find the Humor If a conversation has become awkward, consider doing something to lighten the mood. You can do this by telling a funny joke or story, poking fun at yourself, or finding the humor in your current situation. Keeping the mood light will help to break the ice and move the conversation forward. Agree to Compromise Sometimes conversations are awkward because of disagreements. In these situations, always try to find a compromise. Practice empathy toward the other person, and try to understand how he or she views the situation differently than you. Doing so may allow you to accept the other persons viewpoint without having to change your own. Listen and Paraphrase If you dont know what to say in a conversation, try simply reflecting back what you hear from the other person. If a new friend at school is upset about a poor grade on an assignment, say something like It sounds like you are really upset about your grade on that project. Often people simply want to know that their feelings are acknowledged rather than be offered solutions to their problems. Doing so also relieves you of the pressure of trying to think of what to say next. Ask a Question Perhaps you are in a conversation that is awkward because you really dont know anything about the other person. In these situations, its best to ask questions to try and find mutual interests that can turn into conversations. If you know that you will be in a situation where you will be talking to strangers, try to plan at least three open-ended go-to questions (that start with how or what) that you can use if you get into an awkward conversation. Dont struggle too hard with these either. Something simple like, So, whats keeping you busy these days? will suffice. Ask questions to dig deeper into a topic that was discussed earlier in a conversation, to clarify misunderstandings, and to show that you are listening to the other person. Just be careful not to ask too many questions in a row, or you may come across as an interrogator. Offer a New Topic New discussion topics are perfect for lulls in conversation. Have a few of these ready to bring out the next time you sense nobody else has anything to say. Some examples of topics include popular television shows, something that you all have in common (such as an upcoming test at school), and current events. Be sure that the topic you introduce is something that will appeal to your conversation partners. New topics are also perfect for small talk with strangers. Even mundane things such as the weather can be good places to start. You might even consider doing some detective work to find out who you will meet and prepare some questions tailored to their interests. Offering a genuine compliment (about a clothing item or hairstyle, for example) is also a fine way to talk about something new. Be Assertive If you find yourself in a conversation with a person who is rude, who has asked you something inappropriate, or has made you uncomfortable, it is important to stand up for yourself. Take control by saying something assertive, such as I would rather not discuss that. If you find yourself the target of a difficult person, steer the conversation away toward a new topic and a new individual. Be careful not to keep uncomfortable feelings to yourselfâ€"or you may risk ending up resentful and bitter in the long run. Keep Quiet Not all situations call for conversation. While it is true that fluent talk among friends builds camaraderie, if you find yourself in public settings with strangers, talking isnt always necessary. Your seatmate on the bus or plane might not be interested in making small talk the whole tripâ€"and thats perfectly fine. If the other person gives a lot of one-word responses, folds his or her arms, or leans away, those are signals that he or she may prefer just to stay quiet. Deal With Awkward Topics Use tact to manage situations that are awkward because of what has been said. Steer the conversation in a different direction by saying something like, Oh thats interesting. You know what else I heard the other day? and continue talking about the less-sensitive topic. If someone interjects an awkward comment in the middle of an ongoing conversation, consider pausing for a brief silence, and then continuing the original line of discussion, rather than addressing what was said (also known as saving face for the person who made the misstep). Other ways to handle awkward topics are to remain silent or be upfront that you are feeling uncomfortable. Say something like, Im not really one for gossip, it makes me feel a bit uneasy because I wouldnt want others talking about me like that. Could we talk about something else? Awkward topics can sometimes even be what is left unsaid. If someone is grieving a loss or there is a family dispute, it may form an undercurrent and create awkwardness in a conversation. Often the best way to handle these situations is to get it out in the openâ€"in a kind and compassionate way. Say something like, I am so sorry for your loss. You must be having a hard time right now. However, if emotions are still very strong (such as in a family dispute) it might be best not to spend too much time acknowledging the issue, or you risk opening up old problems. Awkward topics can also include those where you have something to ask or a troublesome topic that you need to discuss. If you know that you will be facing an awkward situation like this, try to give the other person warning so that he or she is not taken by surprise. Let that person know you have something important to discuss and set a time to do so. Exit Gracefully If there really is nothing else left to say, or you have some other reason for wanting to leave a conversation, be prepared and plan to do it gracefully. Always thank the other person for taking the time to talk. If someone is monopolizing your time and wont let you end the conversation, use an excuse such as needing to get another drink, as a reason for exiting. Be Understanding Not everyone is a social butterfly who loves making conversation. Some people may live with shyness or social anxiety and take longer to warm up in new situations and with new people. If someone feels nervous around you because she doesnt know you, be kind and understanding. If the other person lives with social anxiety disorder, it may be fear or panic that is causing the awkwardness between you. People with SAD are afraid of being embarrassed in front of others, and it affects how they live their daily lives. Dont judge someone who appears awkward, nervous, or afraid. Instead, be friendly, show genuine interest by listening carefully, and find a topic of mutual interest, to help make that person feel more comfortable. Manage Your Own Social Anxiety If conversations are awkward because of your own shyness or social anxiety, do what you can to manage these feelings. Practice social skills, read self-help books about overcoming shyness and social anxiety, and see a therapist if your anxiety is severe and interfering with your life. You owe it to yourself and your future conversation partners to manage your feelings. Explain Awkward Endings Sometimes conversations get cut short. Rather than ignore that a conversation ended awkwardly, apologize or acknowledge the situation the next time you talk with that particular person. Explain why you had to leave and how it was not personal. For those with social anxiety, explaining that sometimes social situations can be overwhelming can be helpful in putting the other person at ease. Help Solve Problems Help someone solve a problem and the awkwardness between you will easily dissolve. Asking a friend for advice is another great way to keep conversations interesting and flowing. Talking about problems and solutions can take a long timeâ€"and give you something to check up on the next time you see someone. End With a Summary Its important to end conversations with a summary and a future plan. For example, you might say something like, It was great talking about all the marathons youve participated in. Perhaps next time we are together we can plan for when I start training myself. This structured type of ending to a conversation helps to bring things to a natural close but also leads to future discussions. A Word From Verywell Not every awkward conversation is a bad oneâ€"many can be salvaged with a bit of effort. By putting the above tips into practice, you will become more adept at being that person who always knows the right thing to say to make others feel better in your presence.