Monday, December 2, 2019

Womens Time Review Essay Example

Womens Time Review Paper Essay on Womens Time I have not read the other great works of Elena Chizhov except the last novel The Time of Women Russian Booker nominee 2009. When they announced the short-list, out of curiosity, and an excess of free time (what else to do at work?) Search the network works of authors-applicants one of the most-Russian literary awards. Then I caught the eye of the story Nyutochka. Remember reading it slowly and tediously, probably I would not have remembered if not for the faint tone of Gogol. In the novel, I did not recognize the author of Nyutochki. The story created man, fine sense of the word and world literature of the XIX century, but the work seemed far removed from life, his realism was stylized, artistic or something, instead of the present  «The Time of Women. a living book. It voices of living people the main characters of the novel grandmothers Evdokia, Glyceria, Ariadne, a single mother, Antonina, and their common daughter-granddaughter Sofyushki (dumb girl, but perfectly draws her pictures her tongue). And the reality of it appears with frightening certainty myth. In ancient times, people do not doubt the truth of the tales and legends. Faith is largely determined by a persons life: he tried not to break the rules, because he knew that he would sooner or later end up in land of the dead, and brought before a judge to answer for his every act. Chizhova heroine relate to life as tenderly and reverently. Grandmother firmly believe (and let each character their own faith) in God and the Last Judgment. However, it is clear that Glikeriya, and Ariadne, and Evdokia, and Antonina certainly moral, their outlook is not distorted falsehood, they are not infected with the virus compromise: their humble life experience s eems to them more persuasive, and more specifically, the faithful than the mass insane hope of universal communism and happy future. Paradise, it is only in heaven say the grandmother in the kitchen. On stories Antonina that soon everything will be free, and everyone will be able to take whatever he wants and as much as he wants, they are skeptical answer, they say, had already changed the price and like promised that everything will be cheaper, but in reality the old five hundred rubles began five rubles. Only on the old five hundred rubles could be something to buy, but the new not buy even a stalk, not like cabbage. We will write a custom essay sample on Womens Time Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Womens Time Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Womens Time Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The absurd anti-bourgeois Soviet mythology (that people are worse live in America because state they are not thinking and living space does not release, and such as Antonin, generally on the street throw; others are more striking examples found in the book) contrasts with the happy communist reality: People Former neighbor grandmothers Sytinskaya guides Antonina before moving to communal: You, he says one hundred ruh not afraid main thing, put yourself: Do not let people think that housewives in the kitchen my space will occupy Im good repulsed by the window And so, if anything, take yes prikrikni:.. the corners raspolzutsya pity the guy you do not have.. some of my fear Chairman of trade union Zoya caused by Antonin serious matter (it changed with Nikolai Rucheynikovym queue on TV) and says: You, Antonina, watching, woman ushlaya and stupid . Okay, when I was young. And now, the tea, not the girl. Once brought into the lap, the second time trying on? And will produce without fathers? Use what we have a good government and nurseries, and garden, and all you need on a silver platter. Do not want to give birth at least under each fence Antonina replied: Why are you so Zoya? and at the very hands tremble. Am I someones neck? In two-shift work, as long as the childs everyday life. And in a manger just anything went three months and not go into the garden. - (chairwoman goes on to explain what was going on Thank you say that the master in two shifts allows. Also consider: in America like you filthy broom. There with such a matter does not make a fuss. Come, he says think. And it will be too late Active Zoya will play an important role in the life of Antonina:. It decides anything from anyone without asking that Antonina and Nikolai not only cakes in the cafe eating, but also a child conceived As. woman indifferent to the life of the Soviet comrades, it would hold a public conversation with Nicholas, that he married Antonina. and while he did not go by a man, she would not give him a room, for which he was ten years old. and now also turn it approached, but Zoe Ivanovna another room, family, gave. Why Nicholas lonely room, where other comrades live like normal people family and suffer Events When Antonina made a serious operation (she was diagnosed with cancer), she needed medication Neither the hospital nor in a clinic strengths?. drugs to at least a little to ease the pain, is not allowed. to be more precise, to give, but in small doses and in the order queue. the drugs were needed urgently, and many, so we had grandparents call the home nurse. (Since then, almost nothing has changed). To prick something Glikeriya winces -opy? (a doctor friend answers Well In general, the drug. And how many Evdokia guard to pay? I do not know arms spread -. In the past five rubles was, and now Maybe moving his lips, so would remain to be fifty cents from the clinic .. And if, then? free from the clinic free of charge only medicine can not write That is discharged, but not a full course and she will need every day, and then twice Lord, Glikeriya hands clasped really sorry for opium So some sick ? The entire novel is woven together mythological paintings. Grandmothers own mythology (read world) naive, whimsical fusion of superstitions, life experience and Christianity, Antonina own a hopeless dream of happiness daughter and finding love in Sofyushki its reality woven of words grandmothers life, fairy tales and fears. Many of the accused in deliberate skazitelnosti Chizhov. I admit, I was too embarrassed. But the more I read the novel, the more obvious it became that these seemingly excessive simplicity and melodious narrative style not a literary pastiche, and the only possible way to pass the language in which to think, speak and feel the heroine, to create an image of their world . Another reading of the novel:

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