Monday, May 4, 2020

Management and Organizational Behavior Path-Goal Leadership

Question: Describe about the Management and Organizational Behavior for Path-Goal Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Leadership is the ability to make decision and inspire others towards a common shared goal (Allio, 2013). It plays a vital role in the organization. In this context, this essay discusses Path-Goal theory of leadership and its impact on work effectiveness and employees turnover intention. Body: Path Goal theory helps to embrace the leadership styles that help in motivating the employees for working in diverse work group. Path-goal leadership theory states that flexible leadership can improve the quality of work and retain the employees in the organization by enhancing the employees satisfaction (House, 1974). It includes four types of leadership style, which are described as Directive leader communicates about work group and common work goal with employees. This leadership style used where the employees are unskilled and are not able to understand the task assigned them to increase their work effectiveness (House, 1974). Supportive Leaders reduces employees stress and frustration at workplace environment by supporting them in completion of their work. According to Path Goal theory, supportive leader determines the goal for employees and provide them with clarification of task and assistance in achieving the goal. At the same time, a Participative leader focuses on mutual pa rticipation and with every member of group about work task. As per Path Goal theory, participative Leaders involve the employees in decision making which improve their work effectiveness (Dixon Hart, 2010). This approach works best when team members are experienced. Achievement-Oriented Leaders exert efforts to improve employees performance by setting challenging goals. This leadership style work when team members are unmotivated in their work. Conclusion: From above essay, it can be concluded that the four leadership styles such as directive, participative, supportive and achievement-oriented style are able to improve the work effectiveness and the employees retention in the organization. Article 1 Title and Article Reference Dixon, M. L. Hart, L.K. (2010) The Impact of Path-Goal Leadership Styles on Work Group Effectiveness and Turnover Intention. Journal of Managerial Issues. Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 52-69 Aim / Purpose of article The purpose of the article is to provide a brief description about the relationship between Path-Goal Leadership Styles, Work-Group Effectiveness and Turnover Intention. Sample, location, method of data collection and analysis The sample size was 5 to 25 employees (blue and white color) from the entire department in the organization selected randomly. The survey method used to collect the data through questionnaire. It was analyzed that the path goal theory, wok group effectiveness and turnover intention have both positive and negative relation. Findings/Interpretations reported in the article The study examines that the success of any organization is largely dependent on the leadership styles which in turn affect ways to manage diverse workforce Significance/contribution of the article in relation to your other articles and your topic The article is different from others as it explains the importance of investing in diversity as a part of overall talent management practices for gaining competitive advantage. It also highlights the implication of various leadership styles to tackle complex human resource challenges so that an organization can attract skilled personnel and reduce employee turnover. Strengths of the article This study has sampled the employees from all the level, divisions, departments in research and explored the literature review thoroughly, which made it able to determine the relation between Path Goal Leadership style, Work Group Effectiveness, and Turnover Intention Weaknesses of the article The study has gathered data from only one source i.e., self-reports survey for making analysis. It limits the reliability of studys findings. Moreover, the attention has been given to quantitative data rather than on qualitative. Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Employee dissatisfaction with work group experiences, including leaders styles and work group diversity, directly contributes to their turnover intentions Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Diverse work group effectiveness tends to decline when members become dissatisfied with leadership styles that do not meet their expectations Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Individuals adopting Path-Goal leadership styles tend to be successful in enhancing work group effectiveness because these styles enable leaders to assess needs and clarify goals in many work group situations Article 2 Title and Article reference House, J. R. (1974) A Path Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness. Adminstrative Science Quarterly. Pp. 321-338 Aim /Purpose of article To explain the effects of leader behaviour on sub-ordinate satisfaction and motivation, and performance is presented. Sample, location, and method of data collection analysis Sample- The study consisted of 199 office employees of a heavy equipment manufacturing company. The sample was randomly selected and constituted 35 percent of total population of salaried employees at the corporate offices and main plant of the company, excluding first level production foremen. It was analysed that employees are doing quasi-professional or quasi-administrated work. Findings/Interpretation reported in the article The result of the analysis, reported in Table 1, indicate support of all the hypotheses. Significance/contribution of the article related to other articles given in your topic The findings differ from the common view that although it has supports all the three hypotheses, inability to control for the characteristics of the sample studied and the magnitude of correlation requires negative moderating effect on the relationship between leader consideration and sub-ordinate satisfaction. Strengths of article Strength is to motivate the employees and improve their performance. Weakness of article Relationship is weaker for autonomous jobs. Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Among high-level employees, initiating structure is positively related to satisfaction, performance, and perceptions of organizational effectiveness, but negatively related to role conflict and ambiguity (Rizzo et al, 1970) Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Initiating structure is frequently resented by unskilled and semiskilled employees and is a source of dissatisfaction, grievances, and turnover Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Diverse work groups present their leaders with challenges and benefits. Among the challenges are potentially unfavorable interpersonal relationships, impeded intra-group communication, low group cohesiveness, and high employee turnover Article 3 Title and Article Reference Allio, R. J. (2012),"Leaders and leadership many theories, but what advice is reliable?", Strategy Leadership, Vol. 41 Iss 1 pp. 4 14. Aim / Purpose of article To summarize several fundamental concept of leadership, those have shaped the current debate about leader and leadership. Sample, location, method of data collection and analysis Under this article, secondary information is used for research based on books, newspapers and leadership theories .Author used the observation method in this article for primary data. Findings/Interpretations reported in the article The suggestion that, leadership can improves with practices. This article suggests, that individual evolve into leader as they experiment with approach to new challenges and slowly integrate successful approaches into a personal leadership style. Significance/contribution of the article in relation to your other articles and your topic The finding differs from the common view that, it must understand the culture of the enterprise and the context which it operates. Strengths of the article This article focuses on the leadership skills. Weaknesses of the article Article focuses on good leader only, not on the bad and toxic leader. Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Leadership actually emerges or develops over time not at unique specific instant. It seems to appear and then disappear; it is elusive. Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment Leadership can manifest at many places in the organization at different times. The best leaders leverage their own limited abilities by allowing and catalyzing the leadership that is latent in the organization. Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment We often look to leaders to clarify purpose and values, set direction, build community and manage change. In other words, leaders must practice strategic management develop a researched vision, a viable strategy, a focused plan and a measured implementation process and then prepare for discontinuity by continuously monitoring the environment. References: Allio, R. J. (2012),"Leaders and leadership many theories, but what advice is reliable?", Strategy Leadership, Vol. 41 Iss 1 pp. 4 14 Dixon, M. L. Hart, L.K. (2010) The Impact of Path-Goal Leadership Styles on Work Group Effectiveness and Turnover Intention. Journal of Managerial Issues. Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 52-69 House, J. R. (1974) A Path Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness. Adminstrative Science Quarterly. Pp. 321-338

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